Friday, November 19, 2010


My sweet, sweet grandma went to be with the Lord yesterday.

She was an amazing person and there will be lots of us down here missing her. If anyone ever got into heaven, you can bet she did. She's with her husband now, with a new body that works, probably getting some hugs from Jesus because He thinks she is so precious.

I'm heading to Texas tonight after work for her funeral, and I'll probably be there all next week, so happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you guys!


Ermine and Pearls said...

Thinking of you, sweet friend!

Debbie P said...

What a beautiful little lady! I know she will be missed by all!

Alexys said...

I will really miss Grandma Howrey. She was the best. I wrote something for her to put on her casket, about how I think it will happen, her being accepted in Heaven. I put it on my blog, and I put it on her casket before they buried her.
I just can't wait to see her again.
R.I.P. Grandma