Friday, June 15, 2012

Scary Gray

Gary comes home today!!!


It means that at 2:30am when the dogs start barking at some murderers in the backyard, instead of spending two hours trying to get up the courage to look out the window for fear that I'm going to see a face pressed up against it*, I can just roll over and be like, "Honey? The murderers?" and Gary will go outside and give them a taste of their own murdercine.

*That's the thing about murderers. They can't kill you unless they catch you looking out the window. It's just like how vampires can't come in your house unless you invite them in. Wait, or is that cops?

1 comment:

Mahatma said...

It's right for cops AND right for vampires. But, surprisingly, not for cop vampires. I don't pretend to understand.